Symptoms of papillomas on the body and how to remove them

Papillomas on the body are benign formations that occur when a person is infected with HPV. The growth of any part of the body can be either single or multiple.

The rapid growth and appearance of a number of papillomas is considered a strong argument for choosing a method to remove these formations and for choosing an effective antiviral treatment.

Why do papillomas appear on the body?

causes of papillomas on the body

The papilloma virus is thought to be the cause of the formation of papillomas on the body, which can enter the epithelial layer of the skin through the smallest incisions, tears, wounds.

You can be infected by a micro-organism in close physical contact with a person with HPV or the carrier of this infection.

For a long time, the virus maintains its viability in a humid and warm environment, so there is a possibility of infection when visiting public baths, saunas, clinics.

The pathogen is often transmitted by papillomas using individual hygiene items of several - towels, nail clippers, washcloths.

When the virus is transmitted through sexual contact, papillomas, or rather genital warts, grow more often on the genitals and areas of the body next to them, less frequently in other areas.

After HPV infection, it can not last long and in some patients it is destroyed by the immune system within two years. The activation of the virus and consequently the appearance of papillomas on the body occurs if the human body affects factors that provoke the disease.

These elements include:

  • Impaired protection.
  • Negative effects of depression, stress.
  • Long-term smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • Long-term treatment with antibiotics and oral contraceptives.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Often recurrent acute respiratory infections, influenza.

There is a high risk of papillomas on the body in women. Men are more often the carriers of this virus, but their external manifestations worry them much less than fair sex.

In obese people and with excessive sweating, the risk of papillomas is increased and they mainly form in skin folds. Papillomas can occur at any age and their development in children is not excluded.

Localization and Symptoms

You may notice abnormal growths on any part of the body, including the scalp, soles, and natural palettes.

Skin tumors can be of different sizes, colors, types. The appearance of papilloma on the body depends on the type of virus in which the person is infected.

HPV, which leads to the growth of papillomas on the skin, refers to a type of micro-organism that is not carcinogenic or low carcinogenic and therefore such formations are in most cases benign.

There are several types of papillomas that can affect any part of the body:

  • Vulgars or protozoan papillomaslook like small areas with fleshy or slightly darker seals. There are no subjective feelings in the growth process, but they start to grow in most people from the hands and fingers.
  • Thread.First, a small spot appears on the body that eventually stretches to length. At the end of this formation, the growth is in the form of drops and it itself is attached to the skin with a thin foot.
  • Plantargrowth is characterized by discomfort and tenderness during walking. Plantar papillomas are often confused with common ear infections.
  • Flatpapillomas rise just above the skin and tend to merge with each other. In color, they are not really different from other skin on the body.
rude papilloma of the human body

In some cases, before papillomatous growths occur on the body, people may experience an itchy and slightly burning sensation at the growth site of the epithelial cells that the virus has altered.

The formation of more than one hundred viral tumors in the body is commonly referred to as papillomatosis. When warts and papillomas are injured, bleeding occurs and if there is not proper hygiene and when the linen is not too clean, a side infection with inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms is possible.

Self-infection is also possible, which occurs when the papilloma is scratched and further spreads the virus from its initial focus to other areas of the skin.

Papillomas on the body are rather aesthetic problems. Many people who notice growth in open areas of the body begin to experience suicide and develop depression. Growing papillomas have their own characteristics, depending on where they form.

Growth in the armpit

Papillomas develop in the armpits, which are not different from other viral development, but have their own characteristics of the course. Under the armpits you can often see small nodules of flesh-colored, yellowish or brown shade. These nodules are hanging and attached to the skin with a leg.

At first one tumor may appear, then several, they may merge with each other and this growth resembles cauliflower.

Papillomas in the armpits are prone to inflammation. The culprit for this is the sweat that hides from this area, it irritates the growth, leading to itching, scratching and infection.

Papillomatous growths under the armpits can be touched when shaving or when they are in too tight clothing. Injuries cause bleeding, contribute to the spread of the virus to nearby areas of the body.


Papillomas that grow over the centuries are easily visible to others and therefore cause great moral suffering to their owners, especially young girls. But this problem is not only aesthetic. Growing education often interferes with flashing, creating an obstacle when looking at objects and this leads to deteriorating visual activity.

Eyelid papillomas vary in appearance. It can be both a flat and convex growth, which in most cases has a rough surface. Threaded papillomas that grow on the upper eyelid obstruct the field of vision and make it difficult for women to apply makeup. It is impossible to remove formations in the eye area on their own - the wrongly chosen agent causes burns in the conjunctivitis and cornea.


why papillomas appear on the lips

Lip papillomas are usually represented by flat or hanging images. Initially, a slight inflammation develops that matches the color of the main tone of the lips. Gradually, such formation may become lighter or darker. With chronic papilloma on the lips, it becomes keratinized and its outer surface becomes whitish.

Depending on the location of the papillomas on the lips, the accompanying changes appear, these may be cracks around the tumor, dryness. Some warts interfere with speech or eating and therefore they are injured and there is inflammation in the margins of the lips - cheek inflammation.


When products are placed on the face, warts often choose the nose as a place to grow. Papillomas can form on the outside of the wings of the nose, septum and inside. And if the external wart further damages the appearance, then the internal tumors in some cases interfere with the normal breathing process and can become swollen if a cold occurs.

Transient cells and inverse viral papillomas have the ability to attack deeply located tissues, including the bone structure of the nose. In this case, the bones are destroyed and there is a risk of the papillomas turning into malignancies.

In the groin

In the groin area, two types of papillomas are usually diagnosed, these are genital warts and acrochords.

In women, viral infections are located in the vagina, cervix, often growing on the labia and the groin area. In men, papillomas can be seen in the groin of the penis; on examination, they are detected in the urethra itself, in the anus.

Some filaments can quickly turn into an entire growth network that will look like a fringe in appearance. When papillomas are located in the vagina, there is a risk of infection, injury and inflammation, which can be understood by burning sensation, discharge and unpleasant odor.

Papillomas disappear automatically in every fifth person, but there is also a high risk of genital warts developing into malignant tumors. In this regard, when growth occurs in the groin, it is always necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis, which makes it possible to identify the carcinogenic virus.

Hands and feet

Papillomas that grow on the skin of the upper and lower extremities have different structure, color, growth rate and distribution. More warts appear on the fingers, near the nails. Normal and flat papillomas often develop on the hands. The warts are tight to the touch, the surface is slightly rough, if the initial formation is damaged there is a risk of new papillomas appearing nearby.

Papillomas in children are more common due to the peculiarities of the skin and the high susceptibility of the baby's body to infections. In children, flat warts are often localized on the knee where children crawl a lot. Papillomas grow on the feet, which are characterized by burning and some pain when walking.

Papillomas can be distinguished from grains by the absence of a viral skin pattern. Young, healthy people with a well-functioning immune system heal themselves within three to four months.


how to get rid of papillomas on the head

Papillomatous elements located in the scalp look like loose plaque.

The color of such images varies from flesh to dark brown.

At the beginning of its growth, such a plaque is invisible, but with increasing size there is a risk of injury when combing the hair.

Papillomas on the head are more typical of the elderly, but such formations rarely progress to cancer.

Virus Risk

Viral growth in the body is caused by HPV strains that have low carcinogenic activity. This means that their risk of developing cancer is minimal. However, atypical cells are likely to develop, and there is a tendency to damage papillomas, their infection, rapid growth and inflammatory responses.

If you notice inflammation, secretion of various secretions, ichor, painful sensation, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Genital warts in the groin and genitals are highly valued for risk. Such growth is mainly due to the activation of the carcinogenic virus and therefore needs increased attention.

In the diagnosis, the cause of the disease is analyzed and on the basis of the whole study, the method of removal and the organization of antiviral treatment are selected.


When a patient seeks a dermatologist, a preliminary diagnosis is made during an external examination. In the presence of genital growth, it is necessary to determine the virus strain obtained by PCR analysis.

Women also undergo colonoscopy, cytology tests are performed and, if necessary, the material taken from the modified site is prescribed.

If a carcinogenic type of virus is detected, an additional screening should be performed twice a year.

How to treat papilloma in body and face?

People do not always decide to remove a papilloma located on the body. In some they do not interfere at all, in others they are located in closed areas of the body.

But doctors recommend that you definitely start treating papillomatous elements if they:

  • They are located on frequently injured body parts - under the arms, neck, eyelids, nose, lips, head, feet, arms and groin. In men, there is a high probability of scratching papillomas on the face when they are shaving.
  • Have a fast growth rate and tend to look like daughter growth.
  • Found on the genitals.
  • Change their color, outer surface, become painful.

Your doctor often offers comprehensive treatment for viral infections. It involves removing all growth and taking antiviral and immunosuppressive drugs.

It is necessary to understand that it will not be possible to completely remove the virus from the skin, you can only transport it to an inactive state that will be maintained throughout life with great immunity. In addition to the main treatment, other treatment methods are used.

Modern Transportation Methods

modern methods of removing papillomas

Modern medicine offers dozens of methods to remove papillomatous growths in the human body.

This is exposure to solvent and radio waves, liquid nitrogen destruction and temperature rise. Chemical methods are also used, that is to apply various solutions and ointments that destroy it on the wart.

When papillomas are located on the upper and lower eyelids, they are removed with liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction) or with solvent. Thin skin on the face and eyelids has a strong tendency to form scars, therefore papillomas located in these places should be removed only by a professional doctor.

It is recommended to erase the flat images on the products with a solvent and a wire mesh with electroplating.

How to get rid of HPV with drugs

You can also get rid of papillomas on your body with the help of external medications. Their use destroys the virus and contributes to the gradual destruction of the structure; after a few operations, the papilloma disappears.

When a large number of papillomas are present on the body and genitals, it is necessary to undergo chemotherapy. It consists of taking systemic antivirals and drugs, the mode of action of which aims to increase the activity of the immune system.

Dosage and total duration of administration are selected on an individual basis.

Folk Resources

Several traditional remedies have been used successfully to remove small and fresh papillomas on the surface of the body. Homemade recipes will only help if you use them for a long time, regularly and at the same time increase your defenses.

Folk remedies for papillomas on the body:

  • It is recommended to lubricate the warts up to several times a day with juice of celandine, fresh potatoes, pickled apples, raw egg whites.
  • Chop two cloves of garlic and mix with a spoonful of baby cream. The ointment that is formed is applied in the form of compaction on the structure, covered with foil and fixed for several hours.
  • Measure a sheet of celandine should be applied to the papilloma for several hours.
  • It is necessary to place the heads of flowering dandelions tightly in a glass jar and fill them with triple cologne. The preparation of the infusion takes two weeks in a cool place and after that it is filtered and used to lubricate the necessary areas of the body up to 5 times a day. The infusion is stored in the refrigerator.

When treating papilloma at home, it is important to strengthen your immunity, live a healthy lifestyle and stop long-term bad habits. Helps reduce viral activity by fasting.


Unfortunately, human papillomavirus can be transmitted even if you live a very decent life. Reduces the risk of infection with high immunity, eat natural and healthy food.

You must always keep your body clean, heal even slight scratches on the skin in a timely manner. It is necessary to use only your own towels, scissors, double bar. When visiting nail salon and beauty salons, choose only proven and reliable ones.

It is advisable to have sex with only one partner. After sex, it is necessary to perform sexual hygiene. Adolescents should be fully aware of the consequences of early sexual intercourse and not use contraception.